

Matthew Anderson,

Chief Financial Officer

Mr. Anderson is a Managing Director with Malaspina Consultants Inc., a private company that provides accounting and administrative infrastructure to junior public companies primarily in the natural resource sector. He has extensive experience in financial and accounting related functions and has served as CFO of various junior public companies since 2010. Mr. Anderson holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from McGill University and obtained his Chartered Professional Accountant designation in 2008 while articling at a large accounting firm. 

Jos Hantlemann,
MSc (Geology),

Chief Operations Officer - South America

Over 15 years of experience in mineral exploration with a focus on precious and base metal deposits throughout the Americas — from grass roots through brownfields exploration to prefeasibility. For the last 10 years Jos has worked a consulting geologist providing specialized geological services to more than 30 companies. He has been responsible for managing over 500 sq. km of greenfield mineral exploration licences, preparing technical NI 43-101 reports, conducting audits and due diligence, project evaluations, target generation, as well as planning, executing, and supervising a variety of mineral exploration activities. 

Mr Hantelmann has specialist experience in database management; design and implementation of Best Practice and QA/QC protocol; exploration project design and management; and integration of geological, geochemical, and geophysical data into 3D models which places mineralization in the broader context of deposit development, ensuring appropriate drill targeting of the high value targets. Jos has significant resource estimation experience. Mr Hantelmann is based in Lima, Peru and is fluent in Spanish. He is a registered as a member and Chartered Professional (Geology) of the AusIMM since 2012.

Jorge Masson Pazos

General Manager and Legal Counsel — Peru

Dr Masson obtained the bachelor degree and the title of lawyer from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and completed post-graduate studies at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, ESAN and Pacific University.Dr Masson started his career as an attorney for a national airline, where he worked in the management and administration of civil law, corporate law, transport, insurance law, aeronautical law and administrative law. This involved administration and assistance of a large number of judicial, civil, criminal, labor and constitutional processes.

Since 1990 Jorge has been one of the main partners in the Lima-based law firm “Estudio Navarro & Pazos Abogados” — where he primarily practices labour and civil law. He also works in the areas of property, land, water and mining; constitutional and administrative law; and litigation and arbitration. Dr Masson has represented national and transnational clients in a number of major cases.

Jorge has been legal representative of many prestigious national and international firms, and is the arbiter of payroll Centre for Conciliation and Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce of Lima, the Centre for Conflict Resolution of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, AMCHAM Arbitation Center and the Agency State Procurement Supervisor (OSCE).